Dili Microlet Route Map (2024)

Below is a Google map showing the most recently updated (16/10/2023) microlet bus routes in Dili. These were all ground tested (by one very patient passenger) in September, 2023, so should be very current, but if you see any errors or know of changes to any route, please contact us through the form at the bottom of this page so we can make the change ASAP.

  • The map is best viewed full screen or on a mobile device. Enlarge to a full-screen version by clicking the expansion icon in the top right in the map below or this link.
  • Click on or hover over any route (depending on your device) to bring it to the top and see the full path.
  • Zoom in to see direction of travel. The full journey is mapped as a circuit with the path along the side of travel. If a route has lines on both sides of the road, you can travel both directions; only one line = that direction of travel only (vehicles drive on the left in Timor-Leste).
  • Use the Map Legend to toggle routes on and off. Click on a route or the sliding menu icon in the top left (location depends on the device you are using) to access the Map Legend, toggle routes and see key route markers (in order of travel).
  • Note: Google maps is far from ideal and has some clunky ways of working. If you have suggestions for improvements, please send a comment. Those things that we can fix, we will. Some we can’t, sadly, as they are baked into the Google system.
  • Due to layer limits in Google, some routes are doubled up on one layer. We chose those that do not overlap, to make it easier to isolate routes for travel planning. It does, however, mean the list is not in perfect order, so have a second look if you don’t see the route you are looking for.

🗺 For offline navigation options, find the individual KML files here, which you can upload as layers to the app of your choice.

↓ Use the sliding menu icon in the top left to pull up the legend and toggle lines. Or go to full screen for better viewing with the expansion icon in the top right↓

What are microlets?

Microlets are the main form of public transport in Dili. They are small buses that run on regular routes and provide a (mostly) reliable and easy way to get around town for a great price and unique experience. Microlets pass near to or within an easy walk of most points of interest in Dili, making them an excellent way to create your own hop-on / hop-off adventure around the city.

How do they work?

  • There are no fixed stops. Wave a microlet down wherever you need to get on and tap a coin on the railing inside to indicate when you want to get off.
  • Journeys are 25 cents each regardless of distance (having exact change is easier), though it’s nice practice to give a bit more for a long trip.
  • The front seat is also available, so don’t hesitate to ask if that option is best for you.
  • Microlets typically run only during daylight hours. There is no schedule, but you probably won’t wait more than 20 minutes. During rush hour (and around school start/stop times), vans will often be too full to accommodate people, so you may need to wait for the next one (or the next or the next). Many stop all together on public holidays.
  • You can hire microlets for irregular trips or the day. Prices negotiable with the driver. Note: drivers usually don’t own their van, they rent it for a daily rate of $20 and earn this (and their portion) back in passengers. For a daily hire, take into consideration how much the driver will net for their service.

Can’t get enough of Dili’s microlets?

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Send a quick note and we’ll get back to you.